Commerce Committee Update

Advocacy in Action,

This week the Commerce Committee held a meeting at which CRA President & CEO, Scott Dolch, alongside restaurateur, Phil Barnett of Wood N Tap, and caterer, Doug Polistena of The Amber Room Colonnade, presented issues plaguing our industry.

Similar to us, the committee members were proud of the fact that 97% of full-service restaurants in Connecticut are independently owned, and they were receptive to our stating of the issues.

Restaurants in Connecticut and nationally have been faced with rising costs across the board, and the Commerce Committee had these costs broken down for them in-person and broadcast to the public on CT-N: food costs are up 29%, supplies up 20%, labor 31%, swipe fees 32%, utilities 16%, and occupancy costs are up 12%. The committee was notified that restaurants are known to have some of the slimmest profit margins of any business, and were receptive to the notion that rising costs must be slowed.

In addition to the presentation by Scott and our board members, Rep. David Rutigliano also spoke on behalf of the hospitality industry. He touched upon similar points, speaking with experience as the owner of SBC Restaurant Group, and also concluded that rising costs must be slowed.

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Thank you to our Public Affairs Assistant, Chase Prentiss, for giving this valuable update from the Commerce Committee.