Advocacy in Action | January 2, 2025

Advocacy in Action,
    2025 Minimum Wage

    Connecticut's new minimum wage have gone into effect from January 1, 2025.

    • Minimum wage has increase to $16.35 per hour
    • Server tip credit remains at $6.38 per hour
    • Bartender tip credit remains at $8.23 per hour

    As a result of our advocacy efforts in 2019, the Connecticut Restaurant Association successfully lead the freezing and decoupling of the tip credit from minimum wage. 

    For more information or questions on minimum wage, cash wage for tipped employees, tip credit and more, email us at

    Paid Sick Days Law

    Connecticut’s existing paid sick days laws require employers with more than 50 employees that are mostly in specific retail and service occupations (such as food service workers, health care workers, and others) to provide their employees with up to 40 hours of paid sick leave annually.

    This legislation signed by Governor Lamont expands this coverage to include more workers in two ways:

    1. Beginning January 1, 2025, these laws will apply to workers of nearly every occupation, not just those in retail and service jobs. (Seasonal employees and other certain temporary workers are exempt.)
    2. The threshold for coverage will be lowered in three phases, beginning with employers that have at least 25 employees on January 1, 2025; those with at least 11 employees beginning January 1, 2026; and those with at least one employee beginning January 1, 2027.

    For more information or questions, email us at

    Restaurants Act Public Affairs Conference

    The CRA supports you on a local, state and national level. Each year, we represent Connecticut at the Restaurants Act Public Affairs Conference. 

    We travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with our federal delegates to discuss federal issues such as immigration, tax initiatives and more. Our objective is to meet with stakeholders who has a say in our industry, as well as meet with our peers from across America. 

    If you are interested in being part of this year's conference, please email Yvette at