Advocacy in Action | November 5, 2024

Advocacy in Action,
    Tell Your Senators to Support the Credit Card Competition Act

    In just two minutes, you can help build momentum for the Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA), S. 1838/H.R. 3881—bipartisan legislation to drive down skyrocketing swipe fees.  

    CCCA would save American businesses and consumers $15 billion a year, but the big banks and credit card companies are fighting hard to block it.

    Unless the Senate acts, high swipe fees will continue to rise, driving up costs for you and the small businesses you care about.  

    Tell your Senators to back the Credit Card Competition Act.

    No Taxes on Tips Policies

    In 2024, both presidential candidates have come out in support of no taxes on tips. This policy could provide tax relief for low-income workers who's earnings are primarily tips, but lawmakers will need to address various implications. These include effects on federal revenue, Social Security benefits, and tax fairness among different workers.

    CRA Across CT

    The CRA held a productive meeting with restaurateurs in Winsted, CT, on Tuesday at Mario's Tuscany Grill. Our CEO, Scott Dolch, and lobbyist, Nicole Griffin, discussed policy issues impacting our industry. These issues included rising insurance premiums, difficulty finding skilled workers, and swipe fees on credit cards.

    Mass. Governor Healey, former server, is a hard 'no' on boosting tipped wage
    Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey opposes a ballot measure to gradually raise the minimum wage for tipped workers to $15 by 2029, citing concerns that it could lead to restaurant closures and job losses. While acknowledging that tipped workers benefit from tips, she believes the measure would hurt restaurant owners who may not be able to afford the wage hike.