CRA Engage | CT Paid Sick Leave | MEMBER EXCLUSIVE

Advocacy in Action,

Join us on Tuesday, January 21, for the next session in our webinar series, CRA Engage, designed to address critical industry topics and equip you with the tools to help you overcome industry wide challenges. 

The Engage Webinars are small group informational sessions with trusted experts where attendees can discuss important industry topics and ask questions in a private members-only forum.

In this session, Attorney Ryan O'Donnell from Pullman & Comley will provide essential information regarding the CT Paid Sick Leave Law, covering:

  • Understanding the new law and how your business may be impacted
  • Recognizing employer obligation and employee responsibility

In effort to provide a safe space for open dialogue, this webinar will not be recorded. Attendees are encouraged to participate in this webinar, and in doing so, cameras are expected to be on and attendees are expected to engage in the conversation.

NOTE:  Registration is required. Your membership MUST be current (2024 dues paid) to attend. Limit one person per restaurant/group/business on a first-to-register basis.  Additional employees or team members who wish to join the webinar may select "Waitlist" at registration and will be notified within 24 hours of the webinar of availability.  Outside vendors/non-members will not be permitted.