Restaurants, Events Venues, Food Distributors, Warehouses & More

Would you like to host field trip opportunities for local culinary and hospitality students? The CT Hospitality Educational Foundations wants to help match businesses in Connecticut with local high schools teaching the culinary and restaurant management ProStart Program. Our goal is to match at least one field trip per confirmed ProStart school each academic year and we need your help to make this happen! 

The ProStart Program reaches over 3,000 students at 20+ high schools in Connecticut. Students learn culinary and restaurant management basics, ready to move on to the next level of hospitality employment and education when they complete the program. Now it's your turn to show them what the hospitality industry looks like outside of the classroom! Site Location Requirements
  • Located in Connecticut (if you have a bordering location, reach out to see if it could be a good fit.) 
  • Provide a tour of your location.
  • Donate at least one of the following: a dining experience (lunch or snack), a hands-on demonstration and/or career chats. NOTE: This is a donation to the students, there will be no reimbursement or payment for the field trip, food or experience. Schools will be encouraged to leave tips for servers if there is a dining experience. 
  • You can choose to provide one date for one school or several opportunities for several schools.
  • When you submit the following form, we will work to match you with a school interested in attending a field trip either this school year 2023-24 or next, 2024-25.  


Potential Schools to Host

Berlin High School
Bristol Central High School
Cheshire High School
Conard High School
Crosby High School 
Enfield High School
Farmington High School
James Hillhouse High School, New Haven
Newington High School
New Britain High School
New London High School
Norwalk High School
​Norwich Free Academy
Robert E. Fitch High School, Groton
​Terryville High School
Torrington High School
Waterford High School
​Wilby High School
Windsor High School 
​Simsbury High School
Stamford High School
Tourtellotte Memorial High School, Thompson
Wilbur Cross High School, New Haven
William H. Hall High School, West Hartford