Standing Together for a Stronger Business Community

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What Orca pods can teach us about strength in numbers

Orcas, or killer whales, are apex predators with no known natural threats, due to their exceptional ability to strategize and work together in groups. Their social structure and coordinated hunting techniques allow them to overpower large prey, ensuring survival and fostering strong bonds within their pods.

As highly social creatures, orcas rely on communication and teamwork to maintain group cohesion, build strong support networks, and learn from one another. Their role as a keystone species makes them crucial to the health of marine ecosystems, highlighting their impact on the broader environment.

In the same way, our culinary and hospitality community are stronger when we stand together. Our combined strength significantly enhances our ability to overcome industry wide threats while pushing forward positive change. It also allows us to highlight our keystone contributions to the local economy and positive impact in communities across Connecticut.

Membership growth is how we strengthen our “pod”, pooling our knowledge, resources and efforts toward a common goal. This philosophy is at the core of our mission and what fuels us every day.

Become a member today as we stand together for a stronger business community.

Orcas: The Power of the Pod
Orcas: The Power of the Pod